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Camelweb Creations
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Camelweb Creations
Rating si Pareri
0 stars: Fara rating 10 pareri
#3602 din 3602 de Companii din Electronice & IT
Membru Gratuit din 2008
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Camelweb Creations Camelweb Creations 0265263579 Voinicenilor 24, Tirgu-mures, Mures
Produse si servicii

Internet, Intranet, and desktop software development and maintenance services

Tipul companiei

Prestator servicii

Piata de desfacere

Europa de Vest

Nr. angajati


Anul infiintarii


Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2008!
CamelWeb Creations is a company under Dutch management and ownership, working with clients such as Procter&Gamble, Atos Origin and many others. We have a clear desire to grow and want to become one of the best companies to work for in Romania.

We're a dynamic organization, not afraid of re-inventing ourselves from time to time, to keep up with market developments.
Din Gura in Gura